
Lightstep’s OpenTelemetry Collector Prometheus Replacement

This is the repository for Lightstep’s recommendations for running an opentelemetry collector that scrapes Prometheus targets. You can find the documentation for how to use this here

Deployment modes

OpenTelemetry Collector is a flexible system that can be deployed in several ways, here we list our recommended and tested modes.

Deployment with single replica

For deploying the OpenTelemetry Collector as a deployment with a single replica, follow the example helm values inside collector_k8s/values-deployment.yaml.

Daemonset + Deployment

For deploying the OpenTelemetry Collector with a mixed deployed composed of one Daemonset OpenTelemetry Collector - for collecting general application metrics - and a Deployment with single replica - for collecting insfrastructure targets , follow the example helm values inside collector_k8s/values-daemonset.yaml.